This script checks your eventum directory for permission problems. Since different hosts will have permissions setup differently this script cannot automatically fix permission problems.

As a general rule, your webserver should be running as 'nobody' (a user with few permissions) and your files should not be writable from the web. Only your logs (/var/www/html/logs) and setup (/var/www/html/config/setup.php) files need to be writable by the web server.

The commands listed in the comments are only examples and may not work for every installation.
Title Path Is Readable? Is Writeable? Comments
Base Directory /var/www/html yes no Base directory and sub directories should be read only by your web server. chmod -R a-w /var/www/html
Log Directory /var/www/html/logs yes no Log directory should be writable by your webserver. However, your web server should NOT be able to read this directory to prevent outsiders from viewing your logs. chmod -R a-r /var/www/html/logs
Setup File /var/www/html/config/setup.php yes no The setup file should be both readable and writable from your web server. The setup file is used to store general settings.
Note: Once you have eventum configured, you can mark this file as 'read only' if you want.

Once you are done setting permissions, you should remove or restrict access to this setup directory (/var/www/html/setup/).