{literal} {/literal} {if $result != ""} {/if}
{t}Monitor Setup{/t}
{if $result == -1} {t}ERROR: The system doesn't have the appropriate permissions to create the configuration file in the setup directory{/t} ({$app_config_path}). {t}Please contact your local system administrator and ask for write privileges on the provided path.{/t} {elseif $result == -2} {t}ERROR: The system doesn't have the appropriate permissions to update the configuration file in the setup directory{/t} ({$app_setup_file}). {t}Please contact your local system administrator and ask for write privileges on the provided filename.{/t} {elseif $result == 1} {t}Thank you, the setup information was saved successfully.{/t} {/if}
{t}Check Disk Space:{/t}
{t}Partition:{/t}  {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="diskcheck[partition]"} {t escape=no 1="/"}(default %1){/t}
{t}Check Paths:{/t}
{html_radios name='paths[status]' options=$enable_disable selected=$setup.monitor.paths.status separator='
{t}Whether to check permissions of directories and config files.{/t}
{t}Check IRC Bot:{/t}
{html_radios name='ircbot[status]' options=$enable_disable selected=$setup.monitor.ircbot.status separator='
{t}Whether to check if IRC Bot is running.{/t}