{include file="header.tpl.html"} {if $type == 'email'}

{t}Email Workload by Time of day{/t}

{t}Based on all issues recorded in Eventum since start to present.{/t}


{t}Workload by Time of day{/t}

{t}Based on all issues recorded in Eventum since start to present.{/t}
{t}Actions are any event that shows up in the history of an issue, such as a user or a developer updating an issue, uploading a file, sending an email, etc.{/t}


{section name="workload" loop=$data} {cycle values=$cycle assign="row_color"} {/section}
{t}Time Period{/t}
{t}Developer{/t} {if $type == "email"}{t}Emails{/t}{else}{t}Actions{/t}{/if} {t}Customer{/t}{if $type == "email"}{t}Emails{/t}{else}{t}Actions{/t}{/if} {t}Time Period{/t}
{$data[workload].display_time_gmt} {if $data[workload].developer.rank == 1}{/if} {if $data[workload].developer.count != ''}{$data[workload].developer.count} ({$data[workload].developer.percentage|round}%){/if} {if $data[workload].developer.rank == 1}{/if} {if $data[workload].customer.rank == 1}{/if} {if $data[workload].customer.count}{$data[workload].customer.count} ({$data[workload].customer.percentage|round}%){/if} {if $data[workload].customer.rank == 1}{/if} {$data[workload].display_time_user}

{include file="footer.tpl.html"}